

Oversize/Overweight Permit Travel Restrictions

Alabama Closed No travel from sunset 8/31 until sunrise 9/3
Arizona Closed No travel from noon 8/30 until sunrise 9/3 if over 10-0 W, 14-6 H, 120-0 L (10-0 front overhang, 10-0 rear overhang), 250,000 pounds
Arkansas Closed No travel from sunset 8/30 until sunrise 9/3
California Closed If escort is required, no travel from 4 PM until midnight 8/30 and noon to midnight 8/31 and 9/1-2
Colorado Closed No travel from noon until 9 PM 8/30 or 6 AM until 9 PM 9/2. If dimensions are legal and weight is less than 100,000 pounds there are no restrictions.
Connecticut Closed No travel noon 8/30 until sunrise 9/3
Delaware Closed No travel from noon 9/1 until 9 AM 9/3
Florida Closed No travel 9/2 if over 10-0 W, 14-6 H or 80-0 L
Georgia Closed No travel 9/2  
Idaho Closed Red Coded routes: No travel from 2 PM 8/30 until sunrise 9/3. Black Coded routes: No travel from 4 PM 8/30 until sunrise 9/3 if over 10-0 W, 14-6 H or 100-0 L
Illinois Closed No travel from noon 9/1 until sunrise 9/3
Indiana Closed No travel from noon 8/30 until sunrise 9/3. Overweight Commodity permits are exempt from holiday travel restrictions which apply to vehicles hauling metal commodities up to 120,000 lbs. or agricultural commodities up to 97,000 lbs.
Iowa Closed No travel from sunset 8/30 until sunrise 9/3
Kansas Closed No travel restrictions
Kentucky Closed No travel restrictions unless noted on permit
Louisiana Closed No travel restrictions
Maine Closed No travel 9/2
Maryland Closed No travel from noon 8/30 until 9 AM 9/3
Massachusetts Closed No travel 9/2
Michigan Closed No travel from noon 8/30 until sunrise 9/3. Mobile homes may resume travel at noon 9/3
Minnesota Closed No travel from 2 PM 9/1 until 2 AM 9/3 if over 12-6 W or 110-0 L. Overweight only may travel unless noted on permit.
Mississippi Closed No travel from noon 8/31 until sunrise 9/3 unless permit shows 24-hour travel
Missouri Closed No travel noon 9/1 until sunrise 9/3
Montana Closed Interstate: No travel 9/2 if over 18-0 W. Non-Interstate: No travel 9/2 if over 12-6 W or 15-6 H; loads not exceeding those dimensions may travel daylight hours only.
Nebraska Closed No travel from noon 8/30 until sunrise 9/3. Overweight only may travel 24/7.
Nevada Closed No travel noon until midnight 8/30 and 9/2 if over 12-0 W, 15-0 H, 110-0 L or 15-0 overhang
New Hampshire Closed No travel 9/2
New Jersey Closed No travel 8/30 or 9/2
New Mexico Closed No travel from sunset 9/1 until sunrise 9/3. Overweight or loads granted continuous movement may travel 9/1 until 11:59 PM MST
New York Closed No travel from noon 8/30 until sunrise 9/3
New York Thruway Closed No travel from noon 8/30 until sunrise 9/3
North Carolina Closed Travel is authorized by prior issued permit
North Dakota Closed No travel from noon 8/31 until sunrise 9/3 if over 16-0 W
Ohio Closed No travel from noon 8/30 until sunrise 9/3. Overweight only may travel with a permit.
Oklahoma Closed No travel 9/2
Oregon Closed No travel from noon 8/30 until sunrise 9/3 if over 8-6 W. Exceptions: *If less than 14-0 W, travel allowed sunrise to sunset 8/31 and 9/1 *Interstate highways, US97, any route east of US97 in Black on Route Map 9 *May travel from 12:01 AM 8/31 to midnight 9/1 up to 12-0 W on Interstate highways and up to 10-0 W on US97 and any route east of US97 in Black on Route Map 9 AND in Green on Route Map 2
Pennsylvania Closed No travel from noon 8/30 until sunrise 9/3
Rhode Island Closed No travel from sunset 8/30 until sunrise 9/3
South Carolina Closed No travel 9/2
South Dakota Closed No travel restrictions
Tennessee Closed No travel from noon 8/30 until sunrise 9/3 if load requires an escort. No travel 9/2 for site-built houses or house boats.
Texas Closed No travel restrictions
Utah Closed No travel from 2 PM until midnight 8/30 and no travel on 9/2 if over 10-0 W,14-6 H, 105-0 L or front/rear overhang exceeding 10-0
Vermont Closed No travel 8/31through 9/2 if exceeding 12-0 W, 100-0 L and/or 108,000 pounds
Virginia Closed No travel from noon 8/30 until sunrise 9/3 
Washington Closed No travel from noon 9/1 until sunrise 9/3
West Virginia Closed No travel from 8/31 until sunrise 9/3
Wisconsin Closed No travel from noon 8/30 until sunrise 9/3 if over 12-0 W, 13-6 H of 150-0 L. If less than these dimensions, no travel 8/30-31, 9/1-2 from 4 PM until 8 PM. Overweight only may travel 24/7 unless specified on the permit.
Wyoming Closed

No travel from sunset 8/30 until sunrise 9/3 for loads requiring an escort. Ports of Entry are closed.


Restrictions are subject to change. Please be sure to check your permits!